Short Communication

Flowering plant biodiversity of Augrabies Falls National Park: a comparison between Augrabies Falls National Park, Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, Vaalbos National Park and Goegap Nature Reserve

P.C. Zietsman, H. Bezuidenhout
Koedoe | Vol 42, No 2 | a235 | DOI: | © 1999 P.C. Zietsman, H. Bezuidenhout | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 31 July 1999 | Published: 31 July 1999

About the author(s)

P.C. Zietsman,, South Africa
H. Bezuidenhout,, South Africa

Full Text:



A list of flowering plants has been compiled for the Augrabies Falls National Park, which occupies an area of approximately 18 600 ha. This list of 364 species represents 210 genera and 74 families. The Monocotyledonae are represented by 76 species (20.9 of the total number of species) and the Dicotyledonae by 288 (79.1 ). Approximately 54 of these species occur only in the Augrabies Falls National Park and not in one of the other conservation areas with which it was compared. According to the life form spectrum, the Augrabies Falls National Park is a therophyte-hemicryp- tophyte area. Five of these spesies are endemic to the Southern African floristic region. One of them is a rare species.


check list, conservation, endemic species, Gariep centre of endemism, Orange River Nama Karoo.


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Crossref Citations

1. Leobordea platycarpa a foraging weed, current status, and new insights: a review of geographic origin, botanical aspect, and biochemical properties
Syed Abidullah, Abdur Rauf
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution  vol: 71  issue: 1  first page: 17  year: 2024  
doi: 10.1007/s10722-023-01697-3