Short Communication

An annotated check list of the birds of Qwaqwa National Park

D.H. De Swardt, D.J. van Niekerk
Koedoe | Vol 39, No 1 | a285 | DOI: | © 1996 D.H. De Swardt, D.J. van Niekerk | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 06 August 1996 | Published: 06 August 1996

About the author(s)

D.H. De Swardt, National Museum, South Africa
D.J. van Niekerk, University of the Orange Free State, South Africa

Full Text:



This paper presents a check list of 179 bird species occuring in the Qwaqwa National Park which borders the eastern part of Golden Gate Highlands National Park. Data on the distribution, status, habitat preferences and breeding were obtained during several visits between December 1992 and March 1995. The following habitats were preferred: grassland, montane grassland, woodland, rocky hillsides, mountain slopes and riverine areas with Phragmites reedbeds. The conservation of waterbirds, raptors and other localised species such as Orangebreasted Rockjumper, Palecrowned Cisticola, Mountain Pipit and Gurney's Sugarbird is important as these species occur in specialised habitats.


Qwaqwa National Park, birds, status, relative abundance, habitat preference, breeding, conservation.


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Crossref Citations

1. Phragmites and environmental management: A question of values
David F. Ludwig, Timothy J. Iannuzzi, Anthony N. Esposito
Estuaries  vol: 26  issue: 2  first page: 624  year: 2003  
doi: 10.1007/BF02823738