Short Communication

The reproductive behaviour of the suni Neotragus moschatus zuluensis in captivity

Quarta Pretorius, B.P. Pretorius, C.S. Dannhauser
Koedoe | Vol 39, No 1 | a289 | DOI: | © 1996 Quarta Pretorius, B.P. Pretorius, C.S. Dannhauser | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 06 August 1996 | Published: 06 August 1996

About the author(s)

Quarta Pretorius,, South Africa
B.P. Pretorius,, South Africa
C.S. Dannhauser,, South Africa

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The suni breeding project at Punda Maria was initiated in 1989. The program provided useful data on the reproduction of the species in captivity.


Neotragus moschatus, suni, Kruger National Park, captivity.


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