Original Research

A proposed procedure for the analysis of large phytosociological data sets in the classification of South African grasslands

G.J. Bredenkamp, H. Bezuidenhout
Koedoe | Vol 38, No 1 | a303 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/koedoe.v38i1.303 | © 1995 G.J. Bredenkamp, H. Bezuidenhout | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 25 August 1995 | Published: 25 August 1995

About the author(s)

G.J. Bredenkamp, University of Pretoria, South Africa
H. Bezuidenhout, Kimberley Office, South Africa

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A procedure for the effective classification of large phytosociological data sets, and the combination of many data sets from various parts of the South African grasslands is demonstrated. The procedure suggests a region by region or project by project treatment of the data. The analyses are performed step by step to effectively bring together all releves of similar or related plant communities. The first step involves a separate numerical classification of each subset (region), and subsequent refinement by Braun- Blanquet procedures. The resulting plant communities are summarised in a single synoptic table, by calculating a synoptic value for each species in each community. In the second step all communities in the synoptic table are classified by numerical analysis, to bring related communities from different regions or studies together in a single cluster. After refinement of these clusters by Braun-Blanquet procedures, broad vegetation types are identified. As a third step phytosociological tables are compiled for each iden- tified broad vegetation type, and a comprehensive abstract hierarchy constructed.


Classification, grassland, large data set, new procedures, South Africa.


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Crossref Citations

1. Species richness and plant communities of the Helichrysum rugulosum–Hyparrhenia hirta Low-altitude grassland of northern KwaZulu-Natal
H.C. Eckhardt, N. van Rooyen, G.J. Bredenkamp
South African Journal of Botany  vol: 62  issue: 6  first page: 296  year: 1996  
doi: 10.1016/S0254-6299(15)30669-4