Short Communication
Notes on the diurnal activity of early post-natal black wildebeest calves
Koedoe | Vol 37, No 2 | a342 |
| © 1994 S. Vrahimis, O.B. Kok
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 27 August 1994 | Published: 27 August 1994
Submitted: 27 August 1994 | Published: 27 August 1994
About the author(s)
S. Vrahimis, University of the Orange Free State, South AfricaO.B. Kok, University of the Orange Free State, South Africa
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The diurnal activities of early post-natal black wildebeest calves Connochaetes gnou were investigated at the game farm Tussen-die-Riviere, Orange Free State. Calves younger than one month spent approximately 85 of the diurnal budget lying, alternated by 10 standing. At two and three months of age, slightly more than half of the diurnal time budget was spent lying down, with a minor peak in the early morning and a major peak in the afternoon. A progressive increase in the time spent feeding occurred from the first to the third month of life. No fixed diurnal pattern could be distinguished with respect to standing and "other" categories of activity.
black wildebeest, Connochaetes gnou, diurnal activity, young calves.
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