Short Communication

A preliminary check list of flowering plants of the Vaalbos National Park

P.C. Zietsman, P.J. du Preez, H. Bezuidenhout
Koedoe | Vol 35, No 1 | a391 | DOI: | © 1992 P.C. Zietsman, P.J. du Preez, H. Bezuidenhout | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 22 September 1992 | Published: 22 September 1992

About the author(s)

P.C. Zietsman, National Museum, South Africa
P.J. du Preez, National Museum, South Africa
H. Bezuidenhout, National Parks Board, South Africa

Full Text:



A check list of flowering plants has been compiled for the Vaalbos National Park, comprising 334 species. These species represent 211 genera and 65 families. The Monocotyledonae is represented by 10 families (15,6 of the total number of families) and the Dicotyledonae by 55 families (85,9 ). The life form spectrum of the plants indicates that Vaalbos National Park is a hemicryptophytic-therophytic area.


check list, flowering plants, Kalahari, Vaalbos National Park


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