Short Communication
A List of Alien Plants in the Kruger National Park
Koedoe | Vol 31, No 1 | a491 |
| © 1988 I.A.W. Macdonald, W.P.D. Gertenbach
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 21 October 1988 | Published: 21 October 1988
Submitted: 21 October 1988 | Published: 21 October 1988
About the author(s)
I.A.W. Macdonald, University of Cape Town, South AfricaW.P.D. Gertenbach, Kruger National Park, South Africa
Full Text:
PDF (2MB)Abstract
The alien vascular plant flora of the Kruger National Park is listed. Annotations cover the invasive status, modes of introduction and dispersal, dates of first recording, ecological impacts and control status of each species. The list comprises 156 species of which 113 are considered invasive within the park. Most of the species have been accidentally introduced to the park. The ecological impacts of 27 species (of which 11 are trees and shrubs) were rated as moderate or high. By 1985 only 10 species are thought to have been eradicated from the park. Most of the invasive species are herbaceous weeds of man-disturbed sites and the eradication of these is generally considered impossible. Most of the important species are dispersed by water and animals. The significance of limiting reinvasion of the park down the rivers flowing into the park, is stressed.
Plants, alien, exotic, check list, ecological impacts, control.
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Crossref Citations
1. The social and public health implications of global warming and the onslaught of alien species
M.E. Soulé
Journal of Wilderness Medicine vol: 3 issue: 2 first page: 118 year: 1992
doi: 10.1580/0953-9859-3.2.118