Original Research

Parasites and diseases of Cape Mountain zebra, black wildebeest, mountain reedbuck and blesbok in the Mountain Zebra National Park

E. Young, F. Zumpt, J. Boomker, B.L. Penzhorn, B. Erasmus
Koedoe | Vol 16, No 1 | a886 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/koedoe.v16i1.886 | © 1973 E. Young, F. Zumpt, J. Boomker, B.L. Penzhorn, B. Erasmus | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 27 July 1973 | Published: 28 July 1973

About the author(s)

E. Young,
F. Zumpt,
J. Boomker,
B.L. Penzhorn,
B. Erasmus,

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The results of a special survey are supplemented inthis report with a review of all other applicable information onthe diseases and parasites of Cape mountain zebra, black wildebeest, mountain reedbuck and blesbok in the Mountain ZebraNational Park. The possible significance of some of these infections is discussed and various suggestions are made which aim atthe continued and successful preservation of the Cape mountainzebra and other species in this National Park.


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Crossref Citations

1. History and development of research on wildlife parasites in southern Africa, with emphasis on terrestrial mammals, especially ungulates
Kerstin Junker, Ivan G. Horak, Banie Penzhorn
International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife  vol: 4  issue: 1  first page: 50  year: 2015  
doi: 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2014.12.003