Original Research
A summary of preliminary findings in a rumen microbiological investigation on wild ruminants
Submitted: 28 July 1973 | Published: 28 July 1973
About the author(s)
N.O. van Gylswyk,D. Giesecke,
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PDF (524KB)Abstract
A study was made of numbers of total culturable and cellulolytic bacteria and microbial activity in rumen ingesta from different species of wild ruminants. These and several other criteria were examined to detect possible differences in the digestive physiology between strict grazers and species which fed largely on plant material other than grass.
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Crossref Citations
1. The influence of adaptation of rumen microflora on in vitro digestion of different forages by sheep and red deer
Iain J Gordon, F Javier Pérez-Barbería, Paloma Cuartas
Canadian Journal of Zoology vol: 80 issue: 11 first page: 1930 year: 2002
doi: 10.1139/z02-179