Short Communication

A preliminary note on the visual changes in femur marrow fat as an indicator of femur fat percentage of springbok Antidorcas Marsupialis and blesbok Damaliscus Dorcas Phillipsi

D.A. Els
Koedoe | Vol 16, No 1 | a899 | DOI: | © 1973 D.A. Els | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 28 July 1973 | Published: 28 July 1973

About the author(s)

D.A. Els,

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Changes occuring in marrow fat reserves of animals have been used as an indicator of their physical condition (Cheatum, 1949; Riney, 1955).

Cheatum correlated his visual estimate with a chemical analysis and Riney used four different condition classes on red deer  (Cervus elaphus) for both colour and texture.


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