Short Communication
The brush-tailed gerbille gerbillurus vallinus in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park
Submitted: 27 August 1977 | Published: 27 August 1977
About the author(s)
D.A. Schlitter,I.L. Rautenbach,
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PDF (452KB)Abstract
As with many of the other national parks in the Republic of South Africa, an effort has been made to determine the species of small mammals in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park (KGNP) (Rautenbach 1971; Rautenbach and Nel 1975). An additional feature of such species inventories has been the use of owl pellets to determine the occurrence of small mammals in a given area. This has been done in the KGNP as well as other parts of southern Africa (Davis 1958; Nel and Nolte 1965; Nel 1969; Vernon 1972; Coetzee 1972). Such inventories of species of small mammals are critical as the KGNP has become an important study site for desert rodent ecology (Nel 1967; Nel and Rautenbach 1974; Nel 1975; Nel and Rautenbach 1975).
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