Section Details

Original Research

Issue Title
Vol 10, No 1 (1967) Scarabaeidae from the Kruger National Park Abstract   PDF
M. C. Ferreira
Vol 10, No 1 (1967) Burrow systems of Desmodillus Auricularis in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park Abstract   PDF
J. A. J. Nel
Vol 10, No 1 (1967) A revised list of the birds of the Bontebok National Park, Swellendam Abstract   PDF
Professor J. M. Winterbottom
Vol 10, No 1 (1967) Die plantegroei van die Nasionale Bontebokpark, Swellendam (DEEL I) Abstract   PDF
P. J. Grobler, J. Marais
Vol 10, No 1 (1967) Die geologie van die Bontebokpark, distrik Swellendam Abstract   PDF
J. M. Theron
Vol 10, No 1 (1967) The field-immobilization and capture of Hippopotami (Hippopotamus Amphibius Linnaeus) in their aquatic element Abstract   PDF
Ph.D, U. De V. Pienaar
Vol 10, No 1 (1967) Operation "Khomandlopfu" Abstract   PDF
Ph.D, U. de V. Pienaar
Vol 9, No 1 (1966) An experimental cropping scheme of Hippopotami in the Letaba river of the Kruger National Park Abstract   PDF EXTN pp. 1-15   PDF EXTN pp. 16-33
Ph.D, U. de V. Pienaar, M.Sc, P Van Wyk, B.Sc. (Agric), N. Fairall
Vol 9, No 1 (1966) Range extension of the Blue Wildebeest Abstract   PDF
D.Sc, F. C. Eloff
Vol 9, No 1 (1966) Notes on the stomach contents of certain Carnivora (mammalia) from the Kalahari Gemsbok Park Abstract   PDF
J. Du P. Bothma
Vol 9, No 1 (1966) An areal census of elephant and buffalo in the Kruger National Park and the implication thereof on intended management schemes Abstract   PDF EXTN pp. 40-60   PDF EXTN pp. 61-81   PDF EXTN pp. 82-107
Ph.D, U. de V. Pienaar, M.Sc, P Van Wyk, B.Sc. (Agric), N. Fairall
Vol 9, No 1 (1966) The use of Oripavine Hydrochloride (M99) in the drug-immobilization and marking of wild African elephant (Loxodonta Africana Blumenbach) in the Kruger National Park Abstract   PDF EXTN pp. 108-122   PDF EXTN pp. 123-124 AND PHOTOS
Ph.D, U. de V. Pienaar, B.V.Sc, J. W. Van Niekerk, B.V.Sc, E Young, M.Sc, P Van Wyk, B.Sc. (Agric.), N Fairall
Vol 8, No 1 (1965) Report on the bird-life in the Mountain Zebra National Park, Cradock, QP. 1962-1964 Abstract   PDF EXTN pp. 1-26   PDF EXTN pp. 27-40
C. J. Skead
Vol 8, No 1 (1965) The birds of the Addo National Park Abstract   PDF
R. Liversidge
Vol 8, No 1 (1965) Makahane Abstract   PDF
M.A., J F. Eloff, D.Litt., J. B. De Vaal
Vol 8, No 1 (1965) Notes on the prey of owls in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, with special reference to the small mammals Abstract   PDF
J. A. J. Nel, H. Nolte
Vol 8, No 1 (1965) South African Acarina i,Nine species of the sub-family Tetranychinae collected on wild plants Abstract   PDF
Magdalena K. P. Meyer
Vol 8, No 1 (1965) A preliminary list of dragonflies (Odonata) of the Kruger National Park Abstract   PDF
B. I. Balinsky
Vol 8, No 1 (1965) Chromosome analysis in the Kruger National Park with special reference to the chromosomes of the giraffe (Giraffa Camelopardalis Giraffa (Boddaert) Abstract   PDF
M.B, B.Ch, Clive Wallace, B.Sc. (Agric.), N. Fairall
Vol 8, No 1 (1965) Ants of the Kruger National Park Abstract   PDF
A. J. Prins
Vol 8, No 1 (1965) Development and behaviour of a yellow-billed hornbill (Lophoceros Flavirostris Leucomelas) chick. Abstract   PDF
O. P. M. Prozesky
Vol 8, No 1 (1965) Nematodes of the superfamily Dorylai-moidea collected in the northern part of the Kruger National Park Abstract   PDF
Juan Heyns, Gerda Lagerwey
Vol 8, No 1 (1965) On the tunnel system of Brants' Karroo Rat, Parotomys Brantsi in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park Abstract   PDF
D.Sc, G. De Graaff, M.Sc., J. A. J. Nel
Vol 7, No 1 (1964) The small mammals of the Kruger National Park - A systematic list and Zoogeography Abstract   PDF EXTN pp. 1-24   PDF EXTN p. 25 AND MAPS
Ph.D., U. de V. Pienaar
Vol 7, No 1 (1964) A new subspecies of water-snake from Kruger National Park Abstract   PDF
D.Sc V. FitzSimons
Vol 7, No 1 (1964) The Solifugae, Scorpions and Pedipalpi of the Kruger National Park Abstract   PDF
R. F. Lawrence
Vol 7, No 1 (1964) Die chemiese ondersoek van vier Senecio spesies van die Nasionale Krugerwildtuin Abstract   PDF
H. L. de Waal, P. Van Twisk
Vol 7, No 1 (1964) South African Lepidoptera, 4 Abstract   PDF
D.Sc., Lajos Vari
Vol 7, No 1 (1964) Records of butterflies of the Kruger National Park 1 Abstract   PDF
F.R.E.S., Dr. G Van Son
Vol 7, No 1 (1964) Die ekologie en verwantskappe van die Sandveld-Flora van die Nasionale Krugerwildtuin Abstract   PDF
H. P. Van der Schijff
Vol 7, No 1 (1964) A revised list of the ants collected in the Kruger National Park Abstract   PDF
A. J. Prins
Vol 7, No 1 (1964) A note on Raphicerus Campestris (Thunberg, 18 ii): A challenge to observers Abstract   PDF
A. C. Van Bruggen
Vol 7, No 1 (1964) Die grotere soogdiere wat vroër dae voorgekom het in die omgewing van die Golden Gate-Hooglandpark Abstract   PDF
L. C. C. Liebenberg
Vol 7, No 1 (1964) On the predatory habits of Lions and Hyaenas Abstract   PDF
F. C. Eloff
Vol 7, No 1 (1964) On the parasites associated with the Bathyergidae Abstract   PDF
M.Sc. (Rand.), G De Graaff
Vol 7, No 1 (1964) Animal behaviour with respect to tourists in the Kruger National Park Abstract   PDF
B.Sc. (Eng.), K. Babich
Vol 7, No 1 (1964) Die geohidrologie van die Nasionale Kalahari-Gemsbokpark Abstract   PDF
P. J. Smit
Vol 7, No 1 (1964) Bodemkundige aspekte van die Kalahari-Gemsbokpark Abstract   PDF
P. A. Louw
Vol 6, No 1 (1963) The large mammals of the Kruger National Park - Their distribution and present-day status Abstract   PDF EXTN pp. 1-10   PDF EXTN pp. 11-26   PDF EXTN pp. 27-37
Ph.D., U. De V. Pienaar
Vol 6, No 1 (1963) Survey of the termites (Isoptera) of the Kalahari Thornveld and Shrub Bushveld of the R.S.A. Abstract   PDF
W. G. H. Coaton
Vol 6, No 1 (1963) Trypetidae (Diptera) associated with the plant Monechma (Acanthaceae) in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park Abstract   PDF
H. K. Munro
Vol 6, No 1 (1963) South African Lepidoptera, 3. Descriptions of new Stigmellidae Abstract   PDF
D.Sc., L Vari
Vol 6, No 1 (1963) The Zoogeography and systematic list of Amphibia in the Kruger National Park Abstract   PDF
Ph.D., U. De V. Pienaar
Vol 6, No 1 (1963) The capture and translocation of three species of wild Ungulates in the Eastern Transvaal with special reference to R05-2807/B-5F (Roche) as a tranquillizer in game animals Abstract   PDF
Ph.D., U. De V. Pienaar, B.V.Sc., J. W. Van Niekerk
Vol 6, No 1 (1963) A list of the ants collected in the Kruger National Park with notes on their distribution Abstract   PDF EXTN pp. 91-108   PDF EXTN MAPS
A. J. Prins
Vol 6, No 1 (1963) A preliminary note on the use of Quiloflex (Benzodioxane Hydro- chloride) in the immobilization of game Abstract   PDF
B.V.Sc., J. W. Van Niekerk, Ph.D., U. De V. Pienaar, B.Sc. (Agric.), N Fairall
Vol 6, No 1 (1963) The prey of owls in the Kruger National Park as indicated by owl pellets collected during 1960-61 Abstract   PDF
C. G. Coetzee
Vol 6, No 1 (1963) A report on some immobilizing drugs used in the capture of wild animals in the Kruger National Park Abstract   PDF
B.V.Sc., J. W. Van Niekerk, Ph.D., U. De V. Pienaar
Vol 6, No 1 (1963) A report on Nematodes found in soil and root samples from the Kruger National Park Abstract   PDF
B.Sc, F. A. Van der Vegte, Ph.D., J. Heyns
Vol 6, No 1 (1963) Ondersoek in die plantegroei van die Willem Pretorius-Wildtuin met spesiale verwysing na veldbenuttiging Abstract   PDF
B. R. Roberts
Vol 6, No 1 (1963) The Kirstenbosch story Abstract   PDF
Phillida Brooke
Vol 5, No 1 (1962) The position of nature conservation in South Africa. Abstract   PDF EXTN pp. 1-25   PDF EXTN pp. 26-50   PDF EXTN pp. 51-75   PDF EXTN pp. 76-100   PDF EXTN pp. 101-122
D.Sc., Nico J. Van der Merwe
Vol 5, No 1 (1962) 'N beknopte oorsig van die historiese navorsing in die Nasionale Kruger Wildtuin Abstract   PDF
Dr. W. H. J. Punt
Vol 5, No 1 (1962) Observations on the migration and habits of the Antelopes of the Kalahari Gemsbok Park. part IV. Abstract   PDF
Prof. F. C. Eloff
Vol 5, No 1 (1962) Adaptations of the immobilizing technique to the capture, marking and translocation of game animals in the Kruger National Park. Abstract   PDF
B.V.Sc., J. W. Van Niekerk, Ph.D., U. De V. Pienaar
Vol 5, No 1 (1962) Survey of the termites of the Kruger National Park. Abstract   PDF
W. G. H. Coaton
Vol 5, No 1 (1962) On the nest of Cryptomys Hottentotus in the Kruger National Park. Abstract   PDF
M.Sc.(Rand), G. De Graaff
Vol 5, No 1 (1962) South African Lepidoptera, 2 Abstract   PDF
D.Sc., L Vari
Vol 5, No 1 (1962) Bio-Accoustical studies in the National Parks. Abstract   PDF
B.Sc. (Agric.), C. H. Haagner
Vol 5, No 1 (1962) A check-list of the birds of the Kalahari Gemsbok Park. Abstract   PDF
O. P. M. Prozesky, B.Sc. (Agric), Clem Haagner
Vol 5, No 1 (1962) A preliminary list of the birds of the Bontebok National Park, Swellendam. Abstract   PDF
Dr. J. M. Winterbottom
Vol 4, No 1 (1961) A second outbreak of anthrax amongst game animals in the Kruger National Park. 5th June to 11th October, 1960. Abstract   PDF
Ph.D., U. De V. Pienaar
Vol 4, No 1 (1961) Observations on the migration and habits of the antelopes of the Kalahari Gemsbok Park Abstract   PDF
Prof. F. C. Eloff
Vol 4, No 1 (1961) Veld burning Abstract   PDF
R. L. Davidson, A. M. Brynard, P. Gillard, G. Lecatsas, J. Leigh
Vol 4, No 1 (1961) Verslag oor die ondersoek i.v.m. ou aambeeld wat vermoedelik tot die Van Rensburg-trek behoort het Abstract   PDF
Dr. T. J. W. Jordan
Vol 4, No 1 (1961) Body temperature studies in South African lizards Abstract   PDF
Robert C. Stebbins
Vol 4, No 1 (1961) Two new genera of Myridae from South Africa (Chalcidoidea, Hymenoptera) Abstract   PDF
D. P. Annecke
Vol 4, No 1 (1961) The mammals occurring in the Bredasdorp and Swellendam districts, C.P since European settlement Abstract   PDF
James A. Bateman,
Vol 4, No 1 (1961) On the dispersal of Acacia Giraffae by game Abstract   PDF
O. A. Leistner
Vol 4, No 1 (1961) Translocation of the Bontebok (Damaliscus Pygargus) from Bredasdorp to Swellendam Abstract   PDF
P. J. Barnard, Dr. K. Van der Walt
Vol 4, No 1 (1961) A supplementary check-list of plants recorded in the Kruger National Park Abstract   PDF
M.Sc., A. M. Brynard
Vol 4, No 1 (1961) An amended check-list of the birds of the Kruger National Park Abstract   PDF
Ph.D., U. De V. Pienaar, B.Sc., O. P. M. Prozesky
Vol 4, No 1 (1961) Enkele beskouings oor die moontlike oorsake vir die uitsterf van diere Abstract   PDF EXTN pp. 141-153   PDF EXTN pp. 154-166
Prof. F. C. Eloff
Vol 4, No 1 (1961) A supplementary check-list of Decapoda, freshwater fish, amphibia, reptiles and small mammals recorded in the Kruger National Park Abstract   PDF
Ph.D., U. De V. Pienaar
Vol 4, No 1 (1961) The phenomenon of game migration in the Kalahari- Gemsbok National Park with a discussion of various marking methods to facilitate a study of the routes followed Abstract   PDF
P. J. Barnard
Vol 3, No 1 (1960) Waar die Van Rensburgtrek in 1836 vermoor is Abstract   PDF EXTN pp. 206-219   PDF EXTN pp. 220-237
Dr. W. H. J. Punt
Vol 3, No 1 (1960) 'N uitbraak van Miltsiekte onder wild in die Nasionale Krugerwildtuin 28.9.50 tot 20.11.59. Abstract   PDF
Ph.D., U. De V. Pienaar
Vol 2, No 1 (1959) Observations on the migration and habits of the Antelopes of the Kalahari Gemsbok Park - Part I Abstract   PDF
Prof. F. C. Eloff
Vol 2, No 1 (1959) Observations on the migration and habits of the Antelopes of the Kalahari Gemsbok Park - Part II Abstract   PDF
Prof. F. C. Eloff
Vol 2, No 1 (1959) On some butterflies of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, with descriptions of three new forms Abstract   PDF
D.Sc, (F.R.E.S.), G. Van Son
Vol 2, No 1 (1959) Observations and thoughts on the evolution of facial mimic Abstract   PDF
(F.R.E.S., F.Z.S.),Dr. Niels Bolwig
Vol 2, No 1 (1959) Further observations on the physiological and behavioural characteristics of small animals in the Southern Kalahari Abstract   PDF
(F.R.E.S., F.Z.S.),Dr. Niels Bolwig
Vol 2, No 1 (1959) A contribution to the study of the Coleoptera from the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park (Scarabaeidae, Buprestidae, Cerambycidae): I Abstract   PDF
F.R.E.S. (Lourenco Marques), M. C. Ferreira
Vol 2, No 1 (1959) Die wildehond (Lycaon pictus) Abstract   PDF
D.Sc. N. J. Van der Merwe
Vol 2, No 1 (1959) Die groot swartsprinkaanvoel (Ciconia nigra) (Linnaeus) in die Krugerwildtuin Abstract   PDF
O. Prozesky
Vol 2, No 1 (1959) Weidingsmoontlikhede en weidingsprobleme in die Nasionale Krugerwildtuin Abstract   PDF EXTN pp. 96-109   PDF EXTN pp. 110-127
D.Sc, H. P. Van der Schijff
Vol 2, No 1 (1959) Notes on the vegetation of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park with special reference to its influence on the distribution of Antelopes Abstract   PDF
O. A. Leistner
Vol 2, No 1 (1959) Preliminary list of plants found in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park Abstract   PDF
O. A. Leistner
Vol 2, No 1 (1959) Adaptation of Crocidura Hirta Peters to variation in moisture conditions in Southern Africa Abstract   PDF
J. Meester
Vol 1, No 1 (1958) Die verkenning van die Krugerwildtuin deur die Hollandse Oos-Indiese Kompanje, 1725 Abstract   PDF
Dr. W. H. J. Punt
Vol 1, No 1 (1958) Mammals of the Uitenhage and Cradock districts C.P in recent times Abstract   PDF EXTN pp. 19-38   PDF EXTN pp. 39-59
C. J. Skead
Vol 1, No 1 (1958) Inleidende verslag oor veldbrandnavorsing in die Nasionale Krugerwildtuin Abstract   PDF EXTN pp. 60-77   PDF EXTN pp. 78-94
H. P. Van der Schijff
Vol 1, No 1 (1958) Three new species of Acutitornus from the Kalahari Abstract   PDF
D.Sc. A. J. T. Janse
Vol 1, No 1 (1958) A short account of the reptiles of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park Abstract   PDF
D.Sc., V. Fitzsimons, Ph.D., C. K. Brain
Vol 1, No 1 (1958) Some ancient and recent observations on Hyaenas Abstract   PDF
Alun R. Hughes
Vol 1, No 1 (1958) Aspects of animal ecology in the Kalahari Abstract   PDF
Neils Bolwig
Vol 1, No 1 (1958) Veldaangeleenthede en beweging van wild in die Kalahari - Gemsbokpark Abstract   PDF
J. J. Morris
Vol 1, No 1 (1958) A report on the bird life of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park Abstract   PDF
B.Sc., (M.B.O.U.), J. S. De Villiers
Vol 1, No 1 (1958) Verslag insake voorlopige ondersoek rakende toestande in die Nasionale Kalahari-Gemsbokpark Abstract   PDF
A. M. Brynard
Vol 1, No 1 (1958) Notes on some small mammals in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, with special reference to those preyed upon by Barn Owls Abstract   PDF
D. H. S. Davis
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