Original Research

Benutting en bewaring van die landboupotensiaal in die republiek van Suid-Afrika

D.W. Immelman
Koedoe | Supplement | a1287 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/koedoe.v20i2.1287 | © 1977 D.W. Immelman | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 09 December 1977 | Published: 10 December 1977

About the author(s)

D.W. Immelman,, South Africa

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The important role played by organized agriculture in modern society is emphasized and discussed against the current population explosion of mankind. Attention is focussed on the natural resources available to agriculture which include topography, climate, the soil, a diversity of vegetation types and water. The resources are subject to processes of erosion, bush encroachment, unfavourable ecological plant succession as well as other examples of misuse and mismanagement, all resulting in a lowering of the agricultural output and turnover. These detrimental processes cannot be tolerated and agricultural production therefore has to be in harmony with the environment and its natural resources in order to be economically viable. By implication this means an efficient classification of the agricultural resources incorporating the concept of nature conservation.


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