Original Research

A preliminary investigation of the Marine Ichthyofauna in the Tsitsikamma Coastal National Park

C.D Buxton, M.J Smale
Koedoe | Vol 27, No 1 | a547 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/koedoe.v27i1.547 | © 1984 C.D Buxton, M.J Smale | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 28 November 1984 | Published: 01 December 1984

About the author(s)

C.D Buxton, Port Elizabeth Museum, South Africa
M.J Smale, Port Elizabeth Museum, South Africa

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Sixty-five species representing 29 families were re-
corded in a survey of the marine ichthyofauna of the Tsitsikamma Coastal National Park. Visual assessments of the composition of the fish communities at three inshore reef types indicated differences in the species composition and size of fishes present. Areas which are closed to fishing protect many species important to the South African linefishery whereas a recent seaward extension of the park boundary in 1983 will also include areas inhabited by species important to the demersal trawl fishery.


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Crossref Citations

1. Depth-related distribution patterns of subtidal macrobenthos in a well-established marine protected area
E. R. Heyns, A. T. F. Bernard, N. B. Richoux, A. Götz
Marine Biology  vol: 163  issue: 2  year: 2016  
doi: 10.1007/s00227-016-2816-z